Ministria e Integrimeve Evropiane
In support of the Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo No. 01/2011 for the establishment of the Departments for European Integration and Policy Coordination (Department), and other legal provisions in force, the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), has established this Department, whose duties and responsibilities are as follows:
1) Provides support in the coordination of activities for the European integration process that fall under the scope of the MoD;
2) Monitors and reports on the implementation of the recommendations presented by the European Commission; 3) Provides support in harmonizing the legislation in the scope of the MoD with that of the EU Acquis;
4) Coordinates the activities of the MoD for financial support from the Pre-Accession Instrument (IPA) of the European Union and other funds;
5) Contributes to the exchange of information in function of the European Integration process, for the scope of the MoD.