Ministria e Bujqesise, Pylltarise dhe e Zhvillimit Rural
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development carries out the following activities:
Creates policy and implements laws for agricultural development, including animal husbandry, crop production, rural development and setting standards for maintenance; Facilitates the development of the credit scheme to support agriculture, forestry and activities for rural development in the private sector; Creates policy to assist the administration and management of the forestry sector, including protection, reforestation activities, self-sustenance, fire prevention and protection, disinfection against insects and various diseases, logging licensing and hunting and fishing control; Regulates hunting and fishing activities; Supervise the provision of veterinary services, including, among others, the prevention of animal diseases, zoonosis and the improvement of the quality of poultry flocks and herds; Creates policy in the field of irrigation, including projects for the irrigation plan; Creates policy and implements laws regarding the use of agricultural land in order to protect it; In cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Environment and Spatial Planning, supervise the implementation of health standards related to agriculture, forestry; rural development; fish breeding centers etc. In cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Environment and Spatial Planning, oversee the quality control of food and agricultural raw materials in order to protect consumers; Supervise activities aimed at eradicating insects, parasites, plant diseases or other destructive agents; Participates in environmental protection activities related to agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and water resource management and offers assistance in matters related to veterinary medicine, performs phytosanitary and quality control of animals and animal products that pass through transit through the country administrative and state border crossings of food and agricultural raw material, plants and plant products.